Tooltip Categories: CallingVoice


in music, quick notes added to a basic line of melody


an area located outside of a main city or town, sometimes referred to as “countryside”

tends to

to have a tendency toward (or to do) something;” to have a general reaction or effect that is predictable or consistent


to learn or become familiar with in an passive, subconscious way by listening


large flat discs made of vinyl used to play music (on a “record player”), widely used until cassette tapes and compact discs became more popular in the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s. Records have always held sentimental and musical value, however, and in the US have regained popularity for their “vintage” appeal


someone who studies music, as in music history or music theory


to take from one place to another; here used figuratively to describe the feeling that you have been taken to a very different place


term used to describe scenery in the background on a stage