Does this sound familiar?

You want to improve your students' listening skills with authentic materials, but you don't have time to

  • find great listening pieces (or create your own)
  • deal with copyright issues
  • create supporting materials
  • maintain a website with listening materials

When I taught language classes at the University of South Carolina, I ran into these problems all the time... so I decided to create a solution for teachers and advanced learners of English.

Let American Voices take care of it for you!

You'll have access to a selection of thoughtful, professionally produced audio stories, with supplemental resources ready to go.

If you give private lessons, you can give access to up to ten of your students, at no cost to them. (Make sure to point out in your marketing materials that this saves them more than $100 a year, as compared to the price of a student membership!)

If you represent a school, or if you're an independent teacher with private students, please get in touch!

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