Busman’s Holiday

City bus driver William Cimillo was tired of his routine. So he turned left instead of right, and kept driving – for three days. Listen to the story of his trip… and how it affected his family.


“Well, it’s one of those things. I was on the job for about 20 years, and I really got tired of it all, you know. Up and down, every day, the same people, the same stops, nickels, dimes, transfers, and– well, this morning, I thought I’d try something different. So I come out of my garage. Instead of making a right turn to go off to my route, I thought I’d make a left turn.”

…and as Cimillo drove further away from New York City, and from his route, he switched the destination sign from Subway to Special. Hours passed.

So Cimillo kept driving south. Then, on the third day, Cimillo and his bus arrived in Hollywood, Florida, just north of Miami.

At this point, William Cimillo was 1,300 miles from the Bronx. 1,300 miles from his bus route…

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